Title: Alexander the Great
Author: Fiona Beddall
Summary: Alexander the Great was a very important person in the history of the world. He was born in 365 Before Christ in Macedonia. His parents were Philip, the king of Macedonia and Olympia, the king’s first wife. As the time passes the father of Alexander dies in a battle and his son Alexander becomes the king being very young . Since then Alexander becomes the Macedonian king. He starts to conquer a lot of countries, Egypt, a very big part of Asia, Persia and some Greek city-states. However several people try to kill Alexander the Great but nobody gets it. After many years Alexander returns and when he is returning to Macedonia he has some problems that begin to make the journey difficult . Moreover Alexander dies when he is going to Macedonia. Actually nobody knows how he dies if poisoned or not.
Personal Opinion: This book is very good and interesting because with it you can learn a lot of history of Macedonia and of Alexander. It also shows the life on this period of time. In summary, a great book for history lovers but for those who don’t like history I wouldn't recommend it. Aitor Salesa Rubira, CS1B
ResponderEliminarMe llamo Susana y soy estudiante del grado medio de SMR en este instituto. Se me presentan dos dudas sobre el centro, ya que soy nueva.
1. ¿Se hacen concursos de literatura? Lo necesito saber ya que me suelo presentar a ellos.
2. ¿Puedo mandar mis relatos al blog para que sean publicados? Si es así, por favor indíquenme cómo.
Muchas gracias y felicidades por el blog, normalmente los institutos de hoy en día no suelen interesarse por difundir la cultura.
Claro, Susana, a todo lo que planteas. El año pasado hicimos el concurso de investigación histórica porque no se presentaban al de creación literaria. Y claro también a lo de publicar tus relatos. Puedes pasar por la biblioteca (pregunta por Pilar o por Mariaje), por ejemplo en la hora del recreo o envíalo a la dirección que figura en el lateral para contacto (bibliotecachomon@gmail.com).
ResponderEliminarEncantados de tenerte entre nosotros. Pasa, es tu casa.
I like your summary, but I don't asgree with you when you say you wouldn't recommend this book to people who don't like history as they can start to like it after reading Alexander the Great. I bet you love history, don't you?
ResponderEliminaris it true that Alexander The Great came from Aragón?
ResponderEliminar...no, he was from Scotland - he was MacEdonian
ResponderEliminar¿Alejandro Maño?
ResponderEliminar...no, he was from Castilla La Mancha, like in the Spanish joke:
ResponderEliminar"Se abre el telón, y sale un griego (Alejandro) pegándole a José Bono. ¿Cómo se llama la película?
(Alejandro, ¡maj no, maj no!)