viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011


Hal and Roger are part of an expedition to study marine life. Dr. Blakes was responsible for the expedition with Skink. One day, Skink doesn’t help Hal with an eel, and all the people of the boat hate Skink. Some days later, they find the treasure of “the Santa Cruz”, but a part of it disappears and all of them suspect of Skink. One day, they go to Para Island to find the treasure. Skink kills Dr. Blake with a clam in the sea. The next day, Skink kidnaps Hal and Roger on Para Island but a typhon passes and Skink dies, but Hal, Roger and two men of the boat survive. A helicopter rescues them and the treasure.
I think this book is good to learn about underwater life and it’s very interesting because the argument is great, fun, entertaining and easy to read.
Raquel Gasque Rubio 4º A

5 comentarios:

  1. The name of one of the protagonists makes me think that Skink is an image rather than a person. If we know what a skink is, we can transfer the virtues and shortcomings of this animal into the story that you have read.

    Skinks look like true lizards, but most species have no pronounced neck and their legs are relatively smal.
    Most species of skinks have long, tapering tails that they can shed if a predator grabs the tail. Such species generally can regenerate the lost part of a tail, though imperfectly.

    Don't you think that the relationship of Sking (in your book) with the story is understood differently now that we know that Sking is really a lizard?

  2. hola, me parece que este libro es un poco chorra!!! QUE NOS MANDEN LEER ESTOS LIBROS CON 16 AÑOS ES INDIGNANTE!!!!

  3. Perhaps you haven't taken into account that when you read in a foreign language and with graded readers , sometimes the books have to be easy, but it's just to make it not so difficult.
    But reading is always better than not doing it, don't you think so?

  4. I don´t like this book , was very bored , I want read other book
