sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009


In relation with this book that I read ‘How to be an alien’ I want to tell my personal opinion about it.

Firstly, this book describes quite well English people and It can help us to understand them, but I think that it’s also exaggerated and it generalizes too much.

Secondly this book mentions a lot of strange behaviours but it doesn’t mention others that a foreigner has to know: For example British drive their cars on the left of the road, they use different money (pounds) or different units of size and weight. This book offers you some rules about not feeling an alien in England. They will help you to be more like the English.

On the whole, this book can help you if you travel to the United Kingdom.

Alfio García Valero (4º B)

2 comentarios:

  1. Muy bien Alfio, muy bien. Tú como siempre con tus reflexiones filosóficas, pero me has decepcionado, yo esperaba más de ti. Esperaba un estudio más detallado se la novela ja,ja¡¡. Y gracias por explicarme lo de conducir por la izquierda, las libras... ya no me sentiré un extranjero en Inglaterra.

  2. Alfio si yo creia que tu eras mas de ciencias...
