Gender violence is a problem that must be solved as soon as possible.
Last months, we have seen a campaign that involved red shoes, used as a symbol of fight, of not giving up, and whose objective was to create a visual impact in viewers so that they mind the importance of this theme.

This campaign has also taken place in schools like ours. It is very important to involve youngsters in this topic because they have to grow up knowing how cruel and what nonsense gender violence is.
As we have seen, this campaign is an example of rejecting it, but there are more, and we have to carry them out and end with this serious trouble.
Ernesto Lozano CT2B
Gender violence has lately become a thing in the social media and society, and some groups have appeared to fight back against this issue. For example, our high school prepared an event where some female colleagues lay in the floor simulating a murder with a classical piece of music sounding in the background. They also collected shoes, painted them in red and placed them in our school's entrance to make aware and make an impact on the students. In conclusion, we should struggle to avoid any kind of violence and protect each other against injustices.
Mario García CT2B
Every murder is a horrible violent attack that could be avoided. In particular, we have all heard about terrible deaths caused by domestic violence.
The Red Shoes campaign is a reminder that increases social awareness about those domestic attacks that occur daily all around the world. The shoes themselves represent the absence (of the victims that have passed away) and the red color is a symbol of violence.
As I see it, this is quite an effective way (a bit striking if you stop and think about it) to remind us, not only of fatalities but also of alive victims whose partners are aggresssors of some kind.
In our high school Red Shoes were displayed to everyone. From my point of view young people have to know as early as possible about domestic violence problems and its solutions so that they do not become victims or aggressors.
Javier Minguillón CT2B
Some months ago, in a few cities all around the world there have been exhibitions of red shoes in main squares. This exhibition is against gender violence.
This is a good idea, because if you hear a number of murdered women, isn't the same as if you see a pairs of shoes representing the victims. The shoes are more shocking than the number, and even more if they are red like blood. I think it's very important to know that this happens.
This exhibition has also been at our high school. This is a good way to join to this "protest" and make people who knew nothing about it be interested.
Finally, I think that all of us should do things like that.
Nuria Cejudo CT2B
Nuria Cejudo CT2B
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